Monday, December 22, 2008

Bosnia's Main Parties Agree to Change Const.


Leaders of Bosnia's biggest Muslim,
Croat, and Serb parties have called for parliament to begin revising
the constitution, a key condition for joining the European Union.

Efforts to change the constitution enshrined in the Dayton peace treaty
that ended the Bosnia's 1992-95 civil war have been in the works for
two years.

But, interethnic squabbling has hampered progress to reform the
charter to take away power from Bosnia's two autonomous entities,
the Serb Republic and Muslim-Croat Federation, which have coexisted
in an uneasy alliance since the end of the war.

Full Article


Anonymous said...

About time - but there's many a slip twixt cup and lip.

Anonymous said...

It's about the time. But, before we celebrate, let's see are politicians going to do anything... considering that most things they say turn out to be lies. Politicians and lawyers can't be trusted :)

Shaina said...

I'm cautiously opptomistic right now; although I think Dan is absolutely right in that the "proof is in the pudding" so to speak. But, this is a first step.