Sunday, July 30, 2006

Activism: Nansen Dialogue Center-Sarajevo

This group does it all. I went on their website, and I was impressed with not only their purpose, but their wide range of activites. Their goal is to "contribute to a high level of national reconciliation and tolerance." Their main focus is on interethnic dialogue and helping stregthen BiH's civil society; but looking at their website, it is clear that they also accomplish more than that.
They have produced seminars on the Rights of People With Special Needs; Conflict Management, Gender Issues, Theatre and Musical Workshops; and more.

For more information and photos about the group; please check out their website:

NDC Sarajevo

1 comment:

Srebrenica Genocide said...

Nansen Dialogue Center is just what is needed. Prevention of wars and conflicts is a must. Here is why: