Friday, July 28, 2006

K&M Watch: Have there been any recent pictures of Karadzic lately?

By recent I mean not showing him with his 90s era bouffant?

I wonder if it would be easier to capture K&M if the public had a picture of what they looked like now, instead of a decade ago?

Of course, I realize that the primary reason K&M are not is custody is not because we don't have a recent picture, but because of a strong network of people who are hiding them, and a lack of a strong will to capture them (although, at least with regard to Mladic this may be changing)

But having an updated pic of RK out there would certainly be a good tool to help find him in the RS, Serbia, Montenegro, Cyprus, Greece, Russia or wherever he's hiding these days.


Srebrenica Genocide said...
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Srebrenica Genocide said...

Radovan Karadzic is probably hiding somewhere in cave around Pale. He was coward in the past, he is coward even today. That guy has no courage to face international justice, but he had courage to bomb women and children of Sarajevo.

Here is his photo:,0.jpg

Shaina said...

yeah, last time I heard he was supposedly in a monestary somewhere. Of course, that was several years ago.

the sad thing is, as the years go on, there are just less and less chance that either he or Mladic will get caught, and there seems to be more will to find Mladic than Karadzic.

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