Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Thompson Hits The Fan

Marko Perkovic (Thompson) is hitting Sarajevo, and the covers of two Bosnian weeklies (Dani and Slobodna Bosna).

For more on Thompson, the controversy, and some great blogging on Balkan culture and politics check out the Illyrian Gazette


Anonymous said...

I support free speech and I am generally alergic to most Serbs, but "Thompson" is plain wrong to glorify Nazi Croatia in his songs and to spread hate against Serbs. There is still a small percentage of Serbs that are nice people and it is wrong to put all Serbs into one basket. I hate to come into their defence, but this concert should not be held in Sarajevo (and it is already opposed by Sarajevo-based media, cultural and victim's associations, and others). It is disgusting that Catholic religious leaders invited this idiot to Sarajevo.

Please keep in mind that many Serbs defended Sarajevo. In fact, 15% of Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina's soldiers were Serbs. I believe this number might be even higher for Sarajevo region. So we should not put all Serbs into one basket. There is still a small percentage of Serbs that are decent people and they must not be insulted by idiots like "Thompson."

Katja R. said...

Damn Straight Daniel! :)